Harley Days in Morzine in Summer
By: Team Alpy
With the return every other year, the Harley Days Morzine event keeps getting bigger and better.
Running from the 11th to the 14th of July 2019 the H.O.G team (for those unawares, that stands for- Harley-Davidson Owners Group!) organise this special event to allow all enthusiasts and members of the club to come together in one big bike celebration.
For the entire week, thousands descend on the sleepy mountain town and take over the streets, roads and bars to celebrate all things Harley.
The event is so popular now that people from all over the globe come to attend, an estimated 10,000 bikes come to town! Theres plenty to see and do during Harley Days and most of the events and displays are totally free.
For those brave enough why not try out one of the test bike tours that follow the twists and turns of the mountain roads? Or for something more tranquil visit the Harley fashion show. Theres also a huge market set down the Rue du Bourg (Morzine's main high-street) consisting of biking gear and memorabilia as well as other relevant goodies. Plus a daily parade through the streets that see the thousands registered for the tour race through Morzine with fanfares and flags - not a sight you often get to see, the whole town comes together and the streets are lined with cheer leaders and spectators.
They also have a variety of bike displays and demonstrations of daring fortitude, such as the Mur de la Mort - a speculator display in a huge cage showing off some seriously brave and darling bike skills.
The event is rounded off each evening at the HUGE stage on the town square by the tourist information office, where they host live music from famous bands from all over the world. Prior years have seen the likes of Simple Minds, Status Quo and TOTO.
They also install a huge bar and late night club down near the towns Carrefour in a big event tent, so whilst things are pretty rowdy - thats exactly what the visitors to this event are looking for!
Needless to say this event gets LOUD but it comes with an incredible buzz that echoes round the town creating a really exciting memorable atmosphere - you will see Morzine in a whole new light!
For more information on the event check out their website here.
See you on the mountain!